BUG-000119424 - Zonal Geometry as Table and Zonal Geometry tools generate incorrect results when a field other than value was used. BUG-000119425 - The SummarizeRasterWithin and ConvertRasterToFeature tasks in ArcGIS Image Server crashes when trying to directly read an input image service collocated on a cloud raster store. This is incorrect as diagonally connected sinks should be identified with a single unique value. BUG-000119493 - Sink tool creates two unique values for sink regions that are diagonally connected. BUG-000119534 - Path Allocation produces incorrect results when the source characteristics are specified. BUG-000119759 - Improve the quality and performance of the Sample tool. BUG-000119801 - Sample fails when more than one mosaic datasets are input as input rasters. #ARCGIS 10.6 FIRE RUN BOOK PROBLEMS WINDOWS 10#
BUG-000121297 - Font smoothing in Windows 10 significantly degrades ArcMap performance.BUG-000121659 - Add support for Chipped NITF files in ArcGIS.
BUG-000122703 - Related fixes for the Optimized Compress work. BUG-000124079 - Running block adjustment on imagery collection the second time may fail with missing default elevation value. BUG-000124325 - Create Spatial Type fails on Oracle 19c. BUG-000124326 - Renaming an SDO_Geometry feature class fails on Oracle 19c. #ARCGIS 10.6 FIRE RUN BOOK PROBLEMS PATCH#
To avoid conflicts this patch also includes:
BUG-000088196 - The Find tool prompts to log in to an ArcGIS Online subscription account even when not using any Ready-To-Use Services. This worked successfully with data provided in version 10.5.1. BUG-000112999 - The Export to CAD tool in ArcGIS Desktop 10.6 does not create blocks in the output DWG file. BUG-000115103 - ArcGIS Desktop crashes on importing changes when run on specific data.
BUG-000116614 - The related table returns an incorrect selection result when more than 99 records are selected in the feature class involved in a relationship class. BUG-000116939 - Within ArcMap 10.6.1, the 'Find' & 'Find Route' Tools initialize slowly cause AppHang exceptions in severe cases.